Understand What To Anticipate Soon After The Root Canal Procedure The procedure ultimately results in less pain, but you may feel a bit of tenderness immediately following it. The jaw may become sore as the procedure requires keeping the mouth open longer than usual. Usually, OTC medication is used as the treatment for the pain that follows the process. That said, in some cases, the professional in your dental hospital in Abu Dhabi may recommend a more potent form of medication. Do not consume anything without the prescription or recommendation of your dental health professional. Are you waiting for a different procedure after your root canal, like the one that involves a crown or filling? If so, you may have to not chew with your teeth that are being repaired. Ask the dentist whether this pertains to your specific situation. Whether or not they are the best orthodontist in Abu Dhabi , they should be able to offer you the right instruction about your query. Understand When You Can E