Facts About Mouthwash

 Two main categories of Mouthwash

There are only two main categories of mouthwashes available; cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic mouthwashes claim to freshen your breath and whiten teeth. Therapeutic mouthwashes reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which is the major cause for bad breath. Therapeutic formulations help to reduce sensitivity and strengthen your teeth.

Mouthwash does not cure bad breath

Therapeutic mouthwashes certainly help you to fight bad breath but don’t cure it. Sometimes, the cause of bad breath reside in the stomach or lungs not the mouth. Therefore mouthwash only serves to temporarily mask it.

Mouthwash fights cavities

Our expert doctors suggest including mouthwash in your daily dental care routine because the fluoride rinse can help to fight against tooth decay and strengthen your enamel.

Mouthwash cannot replace brushing

As per expert advice, it is beneficial to use mouthwash as the part of dental care routine. But it cannot be replaced for brushing and flossing. Regular brushing and flossing is important to remove food residues and plaque from teeth and gums. So they cannot be replaced with mouthwashes.

Mouthwash combats gum disease

Gum disease and tooth decay cannot be helped without a dental treatment. But these oral problems can be prevented at the first stage by using an anti-bacterial mouthwash regularly.


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